The dashboard
The dashboard for Standfirst for Kindle is very simple - by default, when your account is first set-up, you’ll land on your personal Organisation. This is a great place to experiment with settings and try things out without touching a production environment. If you wish, you can select a different organisation.
There are really only three ways to go from this dashboard - to your Account (1) to Publications (2) and to Articles (3).
Switching Organisations
Usually, you’ll have two organisations. One which you own and can manage entirely as yours, and another which was set up by your account manager and which you can switch to. Always make sure you’re using the correct organisation! It’s easy to get confused, especially if you duplicate your publications across organisations for testing purposes.
To switch organisations use the switcher at the top right of the screen.
It’s possible to belong to multiple organisations. For example, a freelancer working on client content may find themselves working for multiple organisations and needing to switch access.
Content can never belong to more than one organisation. If it’s desirable for your organisation to syndicate content across multiple publications on this system, please contact your account manager at Interconnect and we can discuss options around this. However, in most cases a portfolio holder would be managing multiple publications within one organisation.
There is no process for you to move a publication and its content from one organisation to another, but this can be done by special request.
Introduction to Landing Pages Adding an article Introduction Page Builder Testing and dealing with problems