Testing and dealing with problems

Sometimes things go wrong. What should you do?

Problems can occur, and testing and understanding the system can help mitigate this.

First things first, make sure you have an e-ink Kindle in your production office, that is subscribed to your publication. You can also connect the Kindle to your PC and sideload a test edition which you can request the Amazon Newsstand team creates for you. They will then send you a file that you can upload to your Kindle and check. This is great if you want to try out new features or adjust your production workflow.

In day to day production use, you won't have test Kindle editions produced. However, Amazon carries out a QA process on each issue generated and will contact the publisher should there be a problem that need rectifying. Sometimes, also, an error or legal issue may creep in that affects your readers and which they report. If the error is yours, you can correct it and request Amazon's newsstand team to re-collect the manifest and redistribute the issue. However, that doesn't mean the updated issue will turn up immediately on everyone's Kindle, if at all. You can ask, then, that readers reporting problems delete the current issue and then the new issue will reappear on their reading list, ready for download.

If the problem is with the system and can't be corrected, simply contact us at [email protected] explaining the problem as clearly as possible, referring to problem articles or features. All our customers on this platform are also supplied with a phone number, and the platform is monitored 24/7 for uptime.

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