Managing Users

Everything you need to know about users.

Adding users

You have a colleague who requires access to your website. Here's how you would add them as a user. Take a glance at the left sidebar and select 'Users'. Once in the ‘Users’ page simply click ‘Add New’ and then fill in the user’s details. Ensure you set the correct user level (more info below). Standfirst can auto-generate a strong password for the user for added security.

User Roles

There are five different roles (levels) of a user in Standfirst. 


The very highest level of user – the Administrator can do anything the other users can  do, as well as:

  • Change all settings
  • Switch themes
  • Activate & edit plugins
  • Edit users
  • Edit files
  • Manage options
  • Import


We recommend that the highest level that someone is assigned is Editor – even the administrator will find that the Editor level is adequate for most tasks while preventing the possibility of inadvertently making a critical change to the site. An Editor can do anything a lower level of user can do as well as:

  • Moderate comments
  • Manage categories
  • Manage links
  • Enter unfiltered HTML (as in HTML with any content at all – a potentially dangerous facility!)
  • Edit published posts
  • Edit other contributor's posts
  • Edit pages


Most people creating content through posts on the website will be Authors. An Author can do anything a lower level of user can do as well as:

  • Upload files
  • Publish posts


A contributor really doesn't have a great deal of power. Contributors can create and edit their own posts, but they can't upload images. They can still insert images that have already been uploaded.


A subscriber can read content on the website and make comments. Although depending on your settings for your site, it's possible for non-subscribers to make comments also.

Editing user details

You may wish to change details and settings relating to a user, in which case when you hover over a user’s details you’ll see the ‘Edit’ link pop into existence. Click ‘Edit’ and you should then see the ‘Edit User’ screen. From here, you can see and edit the user details as shown below.

Removing users

Your colleague has left the organisation and now you want to remove their access to the site. Here's how you would do that.

We personally like to set a user who no longer requires access to a site as a 'subscriber', rather than delete the user entirely. To amend a user level or 'role' within the site simply select the user's name from the 'User' page. Scroll down to 'Role' and select the drop-down arrow. Click on 'Subscriber.

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